Background and Motivation

The Chemistry and Materials Resarch Page is my first HTML/CSS project via a Udemy course I began taking in July 2021.It's intended to document my nascent skills as an aspiring coder and web technologist. It's the first assignment/project in the online course and I have decided to fashion it in acordance with topics that are of most interest to me. I realize it's my first baby steps and it's clearly a very rudimentary project. But, a journey of a thousand miles begins with baby steps. I look forward to working on the page and hope to refine it as I gain a deeper understanding of HTML and styling via CSS and even Javascript. I thank you for visiting the page and hope you are inspired to pursue your interest no matter how unskilled you may seem.

The Chemistry and Materials Resarch Page will feature Chemistry, Materials, Biology and many other topics of interest to me and informed by my training in Chemical Engineering, Materials and my love and interest in Chemistry and the Biological Sciences.

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